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Weight-loss surgery gains more practitioners, improved results

UCI Health — August 11, 2011

IN THE NEWS: More doctors are performing weight-loss surgery today, and hospitals are touting better survival rates, a new study finds. “We’ve identified a national trend in the use of bariatric surgery that is tied to the rapid expansion of the laparoscopic approach to bariatric surgery and the laparoscopic adjustable…

All UC Irvine medical students get iPad 2

UCI Health — August 4, 2011

IN THE NEWS: The iPad was introduced in April of last year and UC Irvine put together an education program – the iMedEd Initiative – centered around the tablet just a few months after launch. Exactly one year ago the university handed 104 iPads to the incoming medical students at…

Neuro-oncologists get another $250,000 gift from Sue and Ralph Stern

UCI Health — August 4, 2011

Neurosurgeon Dr. Mark Linskey and neuro-oncologist Dr. Daniela Bota, co-directors of UC Irvine's Comprehensive Brain Tumor Program, have received a second gift of $250,000 from a grateful family to support ongoing research on and treatment for malignant spinal cord and brain tumors. Philanthropists Sue and Ralph Stern (pictured on right…

Teenagers play surgeon for a day at UC Irvine Medical Center

UCI Health — August 3, 2011

IN THE NEWS: The arms of a Da Vinci robotic system hummed under green surgical lights in the UCI Medical Center basement. Tiny computer-assisted tools, designed for advance laparoscopic surgery, guided a suture through tiny metal loops quickly and with precision. The procedure on Thursday was a timed exercise meant…

Potential new weapon in war on ‘chemobrain’

UCI Health — August 3, 2011

IN THE NEWS: Survival for brain-cancer patients treated with chemotherapy comes with a dark side: “chemobrain,” the debilitating loss of memory and mental function that often follows, according to an article in the Orange County Register. Now, scientists at the UC Irvine Medical Center are preparing a new weapon that…

UC Irvine lands federal grant for free nurse-staffed clinic

UCI Health — August 2, 2011

IN THE NEWS: By early next year, the county’s first nurse-managed clinic will open in downtown Santa Ana and thanks to the $1.5 million federal grant landed by UC Irvine’s Nursing Science Program, some locals will have access to free services there. UC Irvine will run the clinic in collaboration…

The American psyche after 9/11

UCI Health — August 2, 2011

IN THE NEWS: A USA Today article examining the psychological effect of 9/11 cited findings by UC Irvine psychologist Roxane Cohen Silver, who has studied the emotional and physical effects of traumatic exposure for decades. “Sept. 11 was really the first event in the United States of a national scale…

White Coat Ceremony marks start of iMedEd Initiative’s second year

UCI Health — August 1, 2011

Traditionally, first-year medical students are awarded white coats to signify their entry into the profession. But at UC Irvine’s Aug. 5 White Coat Ceremony, each member of the School of Medicine’s incoming class of 2015 also will receive an iPad computer. It’s the second year the School of Medicine is…

UC Irvine-led study links prenatal exposure to stress with accelerated cell aging

UCI Health — July 31, 2011

Young adults whose mothers experienced psychological trauma during their pregnancies show signs of accelerated aging, a UC Irvine-led study found. The researchers discovered that this prenatal exposure to stress affected the development of chromosome regions that control cell aging processes. The study results, which appear online this week in the…

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