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UC Irvine to create medical business/technology incubator

UCI Health — September 15, 2011

In its ongoing effort to foster economic growth through innovation, UC Irvine is establishing a new technology company incubator and reaching out to industry in novel ways. The successful 2010 launch of TechPortal, a business/technology incubator in UC Irvine’s California Institute for Telecommunications & Information Technology that houses five UC…

Anti-obesity effort should not rely on body mass index measure

UCI Health — September 14, 2011

IN THE NEWS: An ABC News report about Michigan’s attempts to curb childhood obesity cited UC Irvine pediatrician Dr. Dan Cooper, who questioned whether the effort’s reliance on the body mass index as a measure of obesity is appropriate. “BMI is a very poor tracking mechanism for a child, because…

Dr. Chakravarthy to discuss teen driving safety

UCI Health — September 14, 2011

UPDATE: Listen to the KPCC interview about teen driving safety › +++ Dr. Bharath Chakravarthy is scheduled to appear on KPCC’s Patt Morrison show at approximately 2:05 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 16 to discuss teen driving safety. Chakravarthy, associate director of UC Irvine’s Center for Trauma and Injury Prevention Research…

Like father, like son

UCI Health — September 11, 2011

FEATURE: Dr. Robert E. Bristow, director of gynecologic oncology services for UCI Health, has medicine in his blood. His father was the first African American president of the American Medical Association and a trailblazer in developing the field of occupation health. Bristow is blazing his own trail as a national…

UC Irvine receives $1.7 million federal grant to be National Center on Elder Abuse

UCI Health — August 31, 2011

Citing the UC Irvine School of Medicine's award-winning Program in Geriatrics, the U.S. Administration on Aging has designated the university as the National Center on Elder Abuse, a clearinghouse for practical information supporting federal, state and local efforts to prevent, identify and effectively respond to elder abuse. The agency will…

Extra Angel game tickets available for blood donors

UCI Health — August 24, 2011

Donors who give blood at one of the season’s final two UCI Health/Angels Baseball blood drives on Aug. 30 and Sept. 6 at Angel Stadium will receive vouchers for four tickets to a game in September. Vouchers can be exchanged at the stadium box office for four tickets (instead of…

Volunteers sought for immune system study

UCI Health — August 24, 2011

RESEARCH: Aging is associated with progressive immunodeficiency (weakness of the immune system) that makes seniors more susceptible to infections and cancer. Volunteers are needed to participate in research that is aimed to study the reasons for such a decline in the immune system in the elderly. Dr. Sudhir Gupta, Chief…

UC Irvine’s Dr. Ninh Nguyen discusses trends in bariatric surgery

UCI Health — August 24, 2011

IN THE NEWS: National Public Radio in Boston interviewed Dr. Ninh T. Nguyen about his study Trends in Bariatric Surgery, 2003−2008. Nguyen is the chief of the division of gastrointestinal surgery at UC Irvine Medical Center. The story questions why, if Americans continue to gain weight in this obesity epidemic…

Blood clots after surgery are often linked to use of a catheter

UCI Health — August 14, 2011

IN THE NEWS: A new study from researchers at UC Irvine, indicates that the use of central catheters caused more than half of the clots occurred occurred patients after surgery, according to the Los Angeles Times. The study, conducted by Drs. Brian R. Smith, Sidney Diniz, Michael Stamos and Ninh…

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