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UC Irvine among hospitals to try voice recognition for health records

UCI Health — April 15, 2012

IN THE NEWS: USA Today examined a twist on the trend toward electronic medical records in hospitals – using voice activated software to record and search for patient documents: The University of California, Irvine Medical Center is testing M-Modal’s software that allows doctors to use voice to locate and dictate…

UC Irvine center recognized for top epilepsy care

UCI Health — April 15, 2012

UC Irvine’s Comprehensive Epilepsy Program has again earned the highest designation for care from the National Association of Epilepsy Centers. Level 4 epilepsy centers have the professional expertise and facilities necessary to provide the greatest level medical and surgical evaluation and treatment for patients with complex epilepsy. “An evaluation and…

Awake or knocked out? The line gets blurrier

UCI Health — April 11, 2012

IN THE NEWS: The New York Times examined whether medicine is any closer to understanding the boundary between being awake and alert and being unconscious: Scientists and doctors certainly know how to knock people out. Dr. Michael T. Alkire at the University of California, Irvine, put it this way in…

UC Irvine’s Stamos offers colorectal health tips

UCI Health — March 21, 2012

If you are over 50 or have a family history of colon cancer, be sure to watch a special CBS HealthWatch webcast on March 28 featuring UC Irvine’s Dr. Michael J. Stamos and a panel of nationally recognized colorectal cancer experts. The program, hosted by Dr. Travis Stork of the…

Circadian rhythms have profound influence on metabolic output, UCI Health study reveals

UCI Health — March 18, 2012

By analyzing the hundreds of metabolic products present in the liver, researchers with the UC Irvine Center for Epigenetics & Metabolism have discovered that circadian rhythms—our own body clock—greatly control the production of such key building blocks as amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids. They identified more than 600 liver-originated metabolites…

Lymphoma nearly stopped him in his tracks

UCI Health — March 14, 2012

In three short years, high-energy entrepreneur Angelo Giuliano, 31, has built his mobile electronic billboard business into a thriving enterprise with a lock on every major Southern California entertainment venue and staking out new turf in New York. It almost didn’t happen but for his friendship with a UC Irvine…

Prostate cancer survivor is still making waves

UCI Health — March 14, 2012

Two-time cancer survivor Billy Pine is proud to say that he has almost never missed his half-mile daily swim since he began a rigorous six-month course of chemotherapy for colon cancer almost 12 years ago at UC Irvine Medical Center. Now 70, the retired recording industry executive, who also beat…

Breast cancer survivor walks down the aisle

UCI Health — March 14, 2012

Binh Phan celebrated the wedding of her dreams and now the 25-year-old and her husband are buying their first home. Confident that she has beaten back an aggressive breast cancer tumor that nearly claimed her life four years earlier, she now is contemplating college and a family. In the summer…

UCI Health led study uncovers how salmonella avoids the body’s immune response

UCI Health — March 13, 2012

UC Irvine researchers have discovered how salmonella, a bacterium found in contaminated raw foods that causes major gastrointestinal distress in humans, thrives in the digestive tract despite the immune system’s best efforts to destroy it. Their findings help explain why salmonella is difficult to eradicate and point to new approaches…

Don’t be embarrassed to talk about colon and rectal cancer

UCI Health — March 11, 2012

Not sure when to get a colonoscopy? Will it hurt? March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and it’s a good time to talk to your primary care doctor about these questions and more, says Dr. Michael J. Stamos, chairman of UC Irvine’s Department of Surgery and president of the…

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