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Breast reconstructive surgery using your own tissue

UCI Health — November 30, 2012

Mastectomy, the removal of all or part of the breast, can be necessary in the treatment of cancer. After mastectomy, many women choose reconstructive surgery to restore the contour of the breast. While reconstruction can be achieved using prosthetic silicone or saline implants, some women prefer a more natural alternative…

Dr. Emily Dow, a doctor dedicated to serving her community

UCI Health — November 30, 2012

Ask Dr. Emily Dow why she decided to practice medicine, and the answer might surprise you. Twenty years ago, she was teaching English as a Second Language to adults in Los Angeles when a middle-aged Latina student was stricken with chest pains during class. Dow wanted to call an ambulance…

Dr. Dawn Lombardo developed program to help patients with moderate to severe heart failure

UCI Health — November 30, 2012

Dr. Dawn Lombardo joined UC Irvine Medical Center to initiate its Heart Failure Program. She developed the program and assembled a dedicated and highly experienced team including heart failure and electrophysiology specialists and talented cardiothoracic surgeons from UC Irvine University Physicians & Surgeons. The clinical, research and educational expertise at…

Beyond mammography

UCI Health — November 30, 2012

Researchers at UCI Health Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic received a $7-million grant from the National Cancer Institute to standardize use of a laser imaging device they had created for better detection and diagnosis of breast cancer in 2003. The investment is now paying off. The researchers reported in…

Treatment options for parathyroid disorders

UCI Health — November 30, 2012

Problems involving the parathyroid glands can be treated at UC Irvine Medical Center with minimally invasive surgery and intraoperative hormone monitoring—an innovative combination that offers many benefits. The parathyroids are four tiny glands each about the size of a grain of rice, located below the neck, underneath the thyroid gland…

Skin-conserving surgeries for skin cancer

UCI Health — November 30, 2012

Most types of skin cancer, such as basal and squamous cell cancers, are highly curable when treated early and appropriately. But the true size and extent of many skin cancers may be more than skin deep. "It is important to recognize that what is visible on the skin’s surface may…

What you should know about inflammatory bowl disease

UCI Health — November 30, 2012

More than one million Americans suffer from inflammatory bowel disease, but with individualized treatment and follow-up care, most of them “can lead normal, pain-free lives,” says Dr. Greg Albers, a gastroenterologist with the UCI Health Inflammatory Bowel Disease Program. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, known collectively as inflammatory bowel disease…

Grant and Alexa Agamalian, NICU patients

UCI Health — November 30, 2012

When 43-year-old Dana Agamalian learned she was pregnant, she felt elated. When, at 18 weeks, she felt her twins’ first kicks, she thought she was having a heaven-sent pregnancy. Those kicks turned out to be early contractions. Agamalian soon found herself confined to 24-hour bed rest at a Newport Beach…

UC Irvine center unites digestive disease experts

UCI Health — November 30, 2012

The UC Irvine H.H. Chao Comprehensive Digestive Disease Center (CDDC) is one of the few facilities in the nation—and the only one in Orange County—that provides a full spectrum of care specifically for patients with digestive diseases. A multidisciplinary team of specialists led by gastroenterologist Dr. Kenneth Chang delivers leading-edge…

Jonathan Barber, gastric bypass patient

UCI Health — November 30, 2012

Jonathan Barber, a 43-year-old certified public accountant from Tustin, Calif., struggled with being overweight most of his life. He even called himself a “chubby” kid. In high school Jonathan was able to manage his weight for a short period of time by playing baseball. After graduating high school, Jonathan went…

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