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Google Glass in the Healthcare Setting

UCI Health — February 4, 2014

The advent of Google Glass and technologies similar to it could have a major impact on the healthcare industry. UCI Health Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Ran Schwarzkopf talks to OrthoBuzz about how the orthopaedic department has been incorporating glass technology into the operating room and the benefits such technology has already…

Girl with trigeminal neuralgia, or suicide disease, seeks help at UCI Health

UCI Health — January 27, 2014

IN THE NEWS: KatieRose Hamilton, 13, never knows when the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia will hit her. When they do, the sensation of knives stabbing the side of her head can last for hours. KatieRose, who manages the pain with medication, has come from her home in Virginia in the…

Feeling under the weather? You're not alone

UCI Health — January 5, 2014

IN THE NEWS: UCI Health Dr. Carl Schultz talks with KCBS-TV about the current influenza season and the differences between the flu and symptoms of a cold or respiratory infections. Schultz, medical director of the emergency room at UC Irvine Medical Center and director of research for the UC Irvine…

UCI Health uses Google Glass in operating rooms

UCI Health — January 1, 2014

IN THE NEWS: The Orange County Register examined how UC Irvine Medical Center surgical teams are using technology such as Google Glass and customized apps to make patient care more efficient: Dr. Leslie Garson pulls a Google tablet from his blue scrubs and taps on an app icon. On the…

Food influences metabolism through circadian rhythms

UCI Health — December 18, 2013

A high-fat diet doesn't simply put on pounds, it can change how the internal body clock regulates metabolism, UC Irvine scientists have found. This disruption of the body's circadian rhythms may contribute to ailments such as diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. Read more ›

Q&A: How do clinical trials help cancer patients?

UCI Health — December 17, 2013

Clinical trials test new medical treatments, conducted in the quest to develop more effective ways to treat or even cure diseases. UCI Health is at the forefront of cancer research with about 140 ongoing cancer clinical trials. But clinical trials cannot proceed without patients willing to participate in the studies…

Are some toys too loud for children's ears?

UCI Health — December 17, 2013

IN THE NEWS: Yes, UCI Health ear specialist Dr. Hamid Djalilian tells the OC Register. Because hearing loss can begin early in life, the otolaryngologist says there are simple things parents can do to turn down the volume on the noisiest toys. View Dr. Djalilian's recommendations › Read Dr. Djalilian's…

Overcoming throat cancer

UCI Health — December 17, 2013

Brad Hadley is a health-conscious 54-year-old who has a successful career in public service and a passion for golf. Nothing about him fits the stereotype of men with throat cancer — typically heavy smokers and drinkers in their 70s. So when Hadley discovered a small lump in his neck two…

10 ways to protect your skin during the winter

UCI Health — December 16, 2013

With winter weather here, now is the perfect time to begin changing your daily habits to prevent dry, chapped skin. Bathing five to 10 minutes in lukewarm water will keep your skin in good health. “Hot water feels great in the winter, but it strips away natural oils and dilates…

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